18 July 2015

Butterfly Hunters, Skywalkers, and Fungus Hunters, Oh My!

I can't believe I didn't write a review of Chris Ballard's The Butterfly Hunter: Adventures of People Who Found Their True Calling Way Off the Beaten Path, the first time I read it. Weird.

Ballard follows (literally, in some cases) several people who have found a way to earn a living doing something they have a blast doing. Why can't we all do that? That is a very good question, Pilgrim.

Ballard asks how, why, when, type questions without the whole thing getting newsy. He's a good writer and he says the important stuff in an engaging and "makes-me-want-to-keep-reading" way.

The people he is writing about are interesting in their own rights, and those around them know this, but it took someone to find them and write about them, so anyone with access to books could know. And so we could also know that following the dream doesn't always mean having ten houses and twenty cars. Sometimes, it means walking up to bugs and asking: "Hey, what do you do?"

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